Sarah and Tom Brighton are a wife and husband game making duo. They release video games as Beep Yeah! and physical games as Gladden Design, which has created a series of games and tools made as spiral bound notepads, called Paper Apps™.
The games are cute single-sheet levels you play by following simple rules and, when necessary, making a die roll.
The tools offer a Getting Things Done kind of “productivity hack” vibe. Like TO•DO, which adds a light gamification layer to pomodoro task management. You roll a die for the next task to work on, and again for the duration to set your timer.
I love the spirit and design of the work, though the actual printed products are incompatible with my psychology. Never, in a million years, could I force myself to start marking up the pages.
Luckily, they have Print and Play versions of the three games, plus a few others. Unluckily, they don’t have TO•DO, but would I be happy with nothing to complain about?